Mind the Dao


A 'headshot' taken on set and used for a prop.

Taken on set by the property master
as a prop for 'Little Girl Lost.' (2008)

I’ve been a bit out of sorts for a while. This blog is an effort to get myself back on track, back on The Way, following the Dao. Its intention is not so much to be a document of my journey but rather to be an essential aspect of practice. We’ll see how it goes, and than take it from there.

This is a journey rather than a guide. I don’t propose to tell anyone how to think, or what to believe. I can’t say that I have any particularly unique ideas — the ancients were far wiser than I. But I like to write about beauty and love, about what is essential and true, so I try to write articles that are beautiful, loving and essentially true, even if only true to my own heart, my own spirit. Even though I’m not saying anything new, perhaps I do find my own way of saying it.

I hope you enjoy journeying with me. Please, as a fellow pilgrim, do feel free to make the visit personal. I’d love to hear your views, read about your experiences, learn something about your own journey. So don’t be shy. Comment to your heart’s content. And, yes, I appreciate criticism as much as praise. Just be nice.

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